About reservation

What time do you check in and check-out?

Check-in 15:00 Check-out 11:00
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

Is it possible to check in and late check-out?

Depending on the situation, we will accept it for a fee. (inquired prior inquiry)

Do you have any rooms with pets?

It is available in the private room "Dock Friendly Twin". Please note that other room types are not allowed to be accompanied.

Could you tell me about the accommodation?

Please click here for the terms of accommodation.

Could you tell me about the payment?

Please pay for it when you arrive.

Is parking free?

You can use it for free. (Capacity: 270 units)

When will the cancellation fee be charged?

A cancellation fee will be charged from 3 days in advance.
※It may vary depending on the plan you booked.

Is there a meal fee for infants?

Meals will be charged from the age of 3, so be sure to apply.

Could you tell me about making a reservation by phone?

Please contact the Reservation Center 03-6830-3926 (9: 00-18: 00) for reservations by phone.

Could you tell me about changing or canceling your reservation?

When applying from the WEB, please complete the procedure from each website.
Please contact the Reservation Center 03-6830-3926 (9: 00-18: 00) for application by phone.

How much does it cost to add a buffet?
The following rates will be accepted at the front desk on the day.
Breakfast: Adults 3,200 yen, elementary school students 3,200 yen, preschool children over 3 years old 2,000 yen
Dinner: Adult 8,000 yen, elementary school students 6,700 yen, pre-school children over 3 years old 2,000 yen
※Includes basic beverage charges
Can I use a credit card?

Available for master, JCB, VISA, AMEX, UC, DC, NICOS, etc.

Can I pay electronic money?

PayPay, auPAY, d, Mel Pay, Alipay+ and WeChatPay are available.

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About Restaurant Lounge

Is there a charge for drinks in the venue? 
Basic beverages are included in the dinner fee.
(Products are available for a fee)
Do you have baby food?

We will prepare it if you can speak to the staff.

Could you tell me about the restaurant?

Location: Locavore (Rocavore)
We have prepared buffet-style dishes.
※Please click here for more information.

Can I bring wine and other drinks into the restaurant?

Please note that you are not allowed to bring it to the restaurant. It is possible to bring it into the guest room.

Is there an allergy notation?
The buffet restaurant shows the use of ingredients for the eight major allergies.
(Eggs, milk, wheat, buckwheat, peanuts, shrimp, crab, walnuts, walnuts)
Please note that the kitchen handles a variety of ingredients, so please note that there is a possibility of a small amount of contamination, including at a foodstuff factory.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the restaurant staff on the day.
Can I use the restaurant with my dog?

Please note that dogs are not available in public spaces such as restaurants and large public baths.

Can the restaurant be used with yukata and slippers?

It can be used in yukata and slippers.

Could you tell me about the lounge?
[Operating hours]
・15:00-18:00 Rakugu/Evening Social
・21:00 to 23:00 Toriwatari (a little) / Nightcap
The content of the offer differs depending on the time of day, so please change the time before using.
Can I bring my drinks and sweets back to my room?

It is only available in the lounge. It is not possible to take it out to the guest room.

Is it possible to use a day trip to the lounge?

Day trips are not available.

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About Rooms

Could you tell me about futon bedding?

We ask for self-service for futon beds in Japanese-style rooms and Japanese-Western style futons.

Do you specify the view of the room?

You can't specify the view of the room.

Do you have any amenities for sleeping children?

In-house wear and amenities are not available in advance. Please contact the front desk.

Do you have a smoking room?

There is no smoking room. Please use the smoking area on the first floor.

Do you have amenities?

It is available in the amenities corner on the first floor. (Toothbrush, toothpaste, cotton, cotton, swab set, razor, comb)

About room clothes
A free-size yukata is available in your room.
Please bring your child's work clothes from the amenity corner.
SS size and LL size yukata will be replaced at the front desk.
Can I adjust the air-conditioning of the room?

Air-conditioning is coordinated throughout the building.
You can adjust the air volume for each room.

Could you tell me about the room facilities?

TV / Internet connection (wireless LAN) WI-FI/Refrigerator / Water kettle pot / dryer / towel / bath towel / slipper / Yukata / Slipper / Yukata

Do you rent cribs and bed guards?

We rent bed guards, but please contact us in advance as the number is limited.

Is it possible to attach beds to each other or move them to the wall?
It is not possible to prepare with beds.
It is possible to prepare one bed to the wall and prepare.
※Reservation is required. If you wish, please let us know in advance.
What is the difference between classic twins and Privilege?

Classic Twin has not been renovated, while Privilege is a renovated guest room.

Are there any barrier-free rooms?

There are no guest rooms available.

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About the large public bath

Could you tell me about the opening hours of the large public bath?

Time 6:00 ~ 10:00/15:00~ 23:00

Do you have towels?

Please bring it from your room.

Do you have shampoos for children?

Kids shampoo and kids body soap are available in the large public bath for children.

※There is no baby soap.
Can I use it even if I have tattoos?
Please take a bath after using a tattoo cover sticker.
The tattoo cover seals are sold at the front desk for 200 yen per sheet.
Is the locker in the dressing room come with lock?

The locker in the dressing room is equipped with a lock.

Do you have a private bath?

There is no private bath.

Is there a gender changeover?

There is no swap.

Is it possible to take a day trip?

We do not accept day-trip bathing.

Could you tell me the opening hours of the sauna?

Time 6:00 ~ 10:00/15:00~ 23:00

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About access

Where's the nearest IC?
Tohoku Expressway: Up Shiraishi IC (approximately 30 minutes) Down Murata IC (approximately 30 minutes)
Yamagata Expressway: Miyagi Kawasaki IC (approximately 30 minutes)
Could you tell me how to get to the kettle?
There is a route bus service only on Saturdays and holidays (only one flight per day)
Other sightseeing tours are available by taxi.
Is there a convenience store nearby?

Seven-Eleven is a 5-minute drive from our hotel (about 20 minutes on foot) from our hotel.

Is there a drugstore nearby?

There is a drugstore about 15 minutes by car from the hotel.

About bus use from Sendai
Information is provided by advance reservation until 16:00 3 days in advance.
※Number of seats available

※Transfer using the Miyagi Kotsu Express Bus
If you stay at our hotel, you can ride for free during the following hours.
[Departure from Sendai → Hotel] 14:08 15:33
[Departure from the hotel → Sendai Station] 10:00 11:30

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Do you offer pharmaceuticals?

We do not provide pharmaceuticals to our customers.

Could you tell me about Local Discovery

Local Discovery is an activity where you can meet the unique taste and stories of the local area, such as nature, culture, and people.
At this hotel, you can collect natural materials and make your own original work while strolling around the hotel.
※Guests can be used free of charge.

Do you have Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is available free of charge.
※Accor members can use it for high-speed communication.
※Member registration is free, so please register by all means.
※You can also use it even if you enter your email address without registering as a member.

What are the opening hours of the shop?

Time 16:30 to 21:00
Place 1st floor

Where's the smoking area?

The smoking area is on the first floor.

Do you have laundromats?

It's on the first floor.
Time 6:00 to 24:00
Price washing machine 200 yen / 1 dryer 100 yen/30 minutes

Do you have an ice machine?

No. Please purchase it at the shop.

Can I rent a wheelchair?

Available at the front desk on the first floor.
The number is limited, so please contact us in advance if you wish.

Could you tell me about the shipment in advance?

Please fill in the date of your stay, the name of the reservation representative or organization, and send it by front desk notice. Refrigerated and frozen ingredients are not allowed because there is no storage facility for customers.

Is there a parking lot for motorcycles?

There is a parking space with a roof.
Parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for your understanding.

Can you keep it free and refrigerator?

We do not store refrigerated or frozen products.

Can I check my baggage?

Please use the dial-type locker in front of the lobby on the first floor for luggage storage before arrival and after departure.

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